Reflective Clothing

About us:

SEE ME is a family owned and operated business headed by the mighty 3 M's: Papa M, elder M, and mini M! We have lived all over this beautiful world from the largest cities to the smallest rural communities. As transportation gets larger, days get hotter, and kids get more distracted, life gets a little more dangerous. We want to make sure those fun times are safe for those who love to be out (and about) both in the day.....and night. SEE ME reflect is fun reflective clothing that helps drivers on the streets see you more clearly, and your loved ones stay more protected. Much more affordable (and creative) than construction reflection gear, staying safe should be top priority!

In 2010 Papa M's uncle was hit by a bus in Dhaka Bangladesh. His left foot was amputated and he lost his mobility, freedom and zest for life. The bus driver said that it was raining, and he simply didn't see him. Two years ago in our little farm town a local girl was killed crossing the road to get to her car, and the traumatized driver just kept saying he "didn't even see her"

Unintentional accidents are the leading cause of death in children from the age of 5 to 15. Childrens brains have not quite developed the "multitasking" mind frame needed to navigate life while looking out for everyone else at the same time. Lets help them be more visible and add an extra layer of brightness so they can continue having fun while!!!

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